Author Archives: Linda

Why are Cellular Phones a NO in Public Places?

Mobile phones are great invention. They have attributed to the advancement of our communications in these modern times but on the other side, they have caused a lot of negative effects especially for the public. Yes, mobile phones have been a cause of public hassles. The misuse of this device could really be a headache for many. Have you encountered this scene: you are in a public bus; an extremely loud ringing tone destroys the moment? Then, an extremely loud voice started to be like a chatterbox… […]

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Use Information from Mobile Phones

Extracting complete and unaltered information from mobie phones and smartphones is vital for any investigation. A cell phone can be a ‘black box’ providing invaluable information for a criminal investigation. A doubt in the authenticity of data extracted from the device immediately dismisses any value the data could have as court eidence, and negates its usefulness for investigation purposes. Modern mobile phones contain much more information than most people realize. Symbian OS based smartphones store data such as call list, SMS events, GPRS and Wi.Fi data connections […]

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The Advancements Of Modern Mobile Phones

Learn how the modern cell phone got to what it is now by comparing it with its past versions. Be able to choose wisely from the current popular mobile phones by knowing the multitude of features these phones have. Communication has quickly evolved over the years. The telephone reached great heights but there was one thing that was holding it back. This was because of being connected to a phone line at all times, making it impossible to bring around wherever you may go. Thus the invention […]

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Sim Free Mobile Phones

SIM free mobile phones have come with zero contracts. You need not obey any contract which annoys you often. You can get these non-contract mobile phones from mobile phone dealers. These SIM free mobile phones have been marketed without SIM cards. It is the most preferable choice for people who would like to utilize the advancement of mobile phones to the maximum. The only disadvantage of these SIM free mobile phones are the huge price difference. The strong reason behind is the commission. If a dealer sells […]

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Samsung cellular Phone – a Basic Phone

Cellular phones are now getting to be a necessity in this modern society. This is not how they foresee the cellular phone future some years back. Luckily, manufacturers are quick to recognize the booming cellular phone industry. Thus, they are able to answer the growing demands for this functional toy. Additionally, the introduction of various functional features for cellular phones by huge cellular phone companies makes cellular phones more a need to perform specialized tasks. Because of this, the use of a cellular phone is getting to […]

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Pre-paid Mobile Phones – Positive And Negative Views

Though there are various contracts in getting mobile phone, most people want to prefer prepaid schemes. It is a better alternative to go for a monthly payment contract. Most of the companies are very much interested in offering these pre-paid services. When a person wants to be economical or he wants to control the cost of mobile service within a limit then they may prefer pre-paid contracts. Various Advantages You can get several advantages by using these prepaid mobile phones. As your prepaid minutes are not expiring […]

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Orange Photography for Mobile Phones

Orange today announces the launch of Orange Photography, a service that enables customers to instantly upload and share photos taken on a mobile phone to a secure and free online photo album. For the first time customers will be able to store photos from their mobile phone and digital camera in the same place and view images on either device. As soon as a customer takes a photo on their handset, the Orange Photography service gives users an automatic prompt to send their shot to the photo […]

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Mobile Phones: Making The World Smaller

The field of communication is experiencing a great deal of innovative changes that are creating a global village. Before the invention of the telephone, it was unimaginable that one could ever actually talk to somebody even twenty miles away. In the world of today, we can’t even bring ourselves to picture what life would be like if we could not speak across oceans and continents. Less than twenty years ago a telephone was attached to a wall and could move only as far as the telephone cord. […]

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Mobile Phones And Their Sms Lead To Dating Metamorphosis

Unless you’ve been unaware of the developments in the real world, without a mobile device, you would in all likelihood have heard the term SMS. It is also referrred to as “texting.” It has become the rage of the 21st century as mobile device users are constantly trying to find new things to do with their mobiles. Today we live in a speeding world and more and more people are turning to texting as a means of relating to each other. The dating world is no exception. […]

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Mobile Phones – Why Thin Is In And Bulky Is Out

Looking back at the past, mobile phones have had a big development and improvement. Gone are the days when people used bulky and large mobile phone devices which in the contrary to its size, only incorporated the basic and simple features. With the technology and trend, mobile phones have become sleek, slim, fashionable and sophisticated. Mobile phones used to be big and bulky. The functions were just for making and taking calls. Nowadays, you can find lighter mobile phones with multiple features not to mention that the […]

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